FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
REAL FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours
FAKE FRIENDS: know a few things about you
REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you
FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds butt that left you
FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile
REAL FRIENDS: Are for life
FAKE FRIENDS: will talk bad to the person who talks bad about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Will knock the person out that talked bad about you
FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say 'I'M HOME!'
FAKE FRIENDS: Would ignore this
REAL FRIENDS: Will send this to all their real friends and hope to get it back!
"God has reason to make a basically beautiful world, although also reason to leave some of the beauty or ugliness of
the world within the power of creatures to determine; but he would seem to have overriding reason not to make a basically
ugly world beyond the powers of creatures to improve. Hence, if there is a God there is more reason to expect a basically
beautiful world than a basically ugly one. A priori, however, there is no particular reason for expecting a basically beautiful
rather than a basically ugly world. In consequence, if the world is beautiful, that fact would be evidence for God’s
Richard Swinburne
We live in a world that strives
for perfection. We tan our skin using artificial light, we starve to lose weight to look more like emaciated cover girls and
have cosmetic surgery on everything from toes to noses - all in the name of beauty. Beauty is an integral part of our lives.
For ages, philosophers have been wondering how to define beauty and ugliness. Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
Integrity is the alignment, the correspondence, between what one THINKs (beliefs,
values), what one SAYs to others, and what one DOes. This is to say, integrity exists when THINK = SAY = DO. Picture each
of these (THINK, SAY, DO) as a circle. When the three circles are separated, when there is no alignment between the three
behaviors; the person is out of integrity. When the circles approach each other and overlap to become one circle, the person
is integral. Behaviors within the concept of integrity include: honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, keeping one's word and agreements,
punctuality, ethics, fairness and justice.
Integrity is the basing of one's actions on an internally consistent framework
of principles. Depth of principles and adherence of each level to the next are key determining factors. One is said to have
integrity to the extent that everything he does and believes is based on the same core set of values. While those values may
change, it is their consistency with each other and with the person's actions that determine his integrity.
The concept
of integrity is directly linked to responsibility in that implementation spawning from principles is designed with a specific
outcome in mind. When the action fails to achieve the desired effect, a change of principles is indicated. Accountability
is achieved when a faulty principle is identified and changed to produce a more useful action.
Integrity is living
what you believe. Being true to what you believe. It is said of Integrity that, "It is better to have an enemy who keeps his
word, than a friend who does not"
Running a business is never easy, but research and effective web site can often make a huge difference in increasing trust
and faith and customer satisfaction.
I'll use this site to provide the background for researches
done by reliable and respected individuals in business and explain products I have to offer. People don't want to spend
time figuring out what a business does, so my home page will highlight the most important features of those researches and
mine. I'll think of this home page as a kind of portal, giving customers the information they want at a glance, and offering
lots of links to draw them in to the rest of the site.
I might feature a different item on the home page each month, along with a link to products page where you can find more
information on the product.
Please click"more choices" at the upper left side.